GUARANTEES FOR BAILING OUT BORODIN TO BE FORWARDED TO NEW YORK COURT MOSCOW, MARCH 12, 2001 /RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT MARIA LOKOTETSKAYA/. The lawyers of Pavel Borodin, Secretary of State Pavel Borodin of Russia-Belarus union state, will forward additional guarantees to the Brooklyn court of New York, proving that their client can be bailed out. According to the RIA Novosti correspondent, this is the opinion of the Russian lawyers of Pavel Borodin, Genrikh Padva and Eleonora Sergeyeva. Speaking at a press conference in Moscow today, Padva and Sergeyeva reminded that the Brooklyn court of New York is to consider a complaint of Borodin's defence against the decision of judge Viktor Pohorelski on March 16. The latter ruled against bailing out Pavel Borodin on March 9. However, the lawyers stressed that when announcing the decision, the court admitted to 90 percent that there existed some circumstances allowing Borodin's release on bail. At the same time, according to Genrikh Padva, the court asked the lawyers to guarantee a full technical control over Borodin's movements across New York. The lawyers believe that it is "absurd" to assume that Pavel Borodin would disappear on the territory of the Russian consulate in New York and be constantly hiding there.