DANISH FOREIGN MINISTER TO DISCUSS WIDE RANGE OF MATTERS IN MOSCOW MOSCOW, MARCH 11, RIA NOVOSTI - A wide range of matters will be under discussion at talks with Danish Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketoft, due in Moscow on a working visit Monday. RIA has learned from Russian diplomatic sources that the talks will focus above all on strategic security, including the US plans to unfold a national anti-missile defense system and the prospective building of an American radar station on the Danish island of Greenland. In Moscow's opinion, if it lets the US go ahead with the plans, Denmark will run the risk of getting involved in a process jeopardising strategic stability. Also under discussion will be the Balkan set-up and the development of relations between Denmark and Russia's northwestern areas, particularly the Kaliningrad region. Moscow is especially concerned over Copenhagen's policy in the Baltic countries of the former USSR, as well as over its active support for the idea of their joining NATO. The Russian side intends to once again voice its negative stance on NATO plans for eastward expansion. The Danish foreign minister will be received by Vice-Premier Viktor Khristenko and Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. No documents are intended for signing.