DISCOVERY DOCKED TO INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION MISSION CONTROL CENTRE /Moscow Region/, March 10, 2001. /from RIA Novosti correspondent Eduard Puzyrev/--A spokesman for the Russian Mission Control Centre has reported to the RIA Novosti correspondent that at 9.38 a.m. Moscow time Space Shuttle Discovery docked to the International Space Station. The spacecraft was launched from the Kennedy space centre at Cape Canaveral, Florida /USA/, last Thursday, on March 8. The Mission Control Centre spokesman reported that the shuttle is delivering to the ISS the Expedition Two crew -- Russian spaceman Yuri Usachev /Commander/ and US astronauts James Voss and Susan Helms -- and a number of cargos necessary to thoroughly equip the station. In particular the shuttle is transporting the new logistics module Leonardo, a multi-purpose cargo container made by the Italian space agency, which is able to transport up to 9 tons of cargos. The shuttle will secure the delivery of the Expedition One crew who have been staying on board the ISS since November 2, 2000, back to the Earth.