FOREIGN MINISTERS OF FRANCE AND MACEDONIA ISSUE JOINT STATEMENT ON MACEDONIA PARIS, March 9. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Leonid Kokovich/ -- Hubert Vedrine and Joschka Fischer, respective Ministers of Foreign Affairs of France and Germany, have come up with a joint statement on Macedonia, northern areas of which undergo attacks by Albanian militants. The statement, coordinated by the two ministers at their Paris meeting yesterday, was made public today by French Foreign Ministry spokesman Francois Rivasseau. Messrs. Vedrine and Fischer advocate "stability and territorial integrity of that Balkan republic". They condemn violence of Albanian extremists and unceasing attacks at Macedonia's northern provinces. France and Germany believe Macedonia's territorial integrity must be respected by every member of the global community. We cannot allow another armed conflict to emerge in the Balkans, reads the statement. The French foreign minister is expected to visit Skopje Saturday to hand over Jacques Chirac's message to President Boris Trajkovski of Macedonia.