SERB POLICE IN SECURITY ZONE COME UNDER INTENSE FIRE FROM ALBANIAN EXTREMISTS BELGRADE, March 9, 2001 /Sergei Ryabikin, RIA Novosti Correspondent/ -- Positions of Serb police near the village of Lucane, off the town of Bujanovac, south Serbia, have come under heavy fire from fighters of the so-called Liberation Army of Presevo, Bujanovac, and Medvedja. One Serb policeman died, informed sources in Bujanovac said. They added that the police have returned fire. The slain policeman brought to 34 the death toll that has mounted steadily since a security zone was established along the administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo in June 1999. All in all, 12 civilians, 13 policemen, four Yugoslav Army servicemen, and five Albanian extremists have died.