RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER TO MAKE STOP IN KALININGRAD ON HIS WAY TO STOCKHOLM MOSCOW, MARCH 8. /RIA NOVOSTI/. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov will leave Moscow for Stockholm today to carry out negotiations with the EU's Trio. On his way to Sweden the Minister will make a stop in Kaliningrad. According to sources, the Minister will discuss the issues of the region's life support within the framework of EU's expansion with the region's authorities. Poland's and Lithuania's joining the organization will create a number of problems for the regional population. In particular they deal with visa regime, transport, transit, energy, ecology. The Russian party works out a variant, according to which the population of the Kaliningrad region will be given Shengen year visas in order to visit the Baltic republics. The ways to solve other problems has been worked out as well. Igor Ivanov intends to visit the chief base of the Russian Baltic Navy - the town of Baltiysk in order to meet with Russian sailors. The Minister will leave Kaliningrad for Stockholm on Thursday. (kar/kar) 08/03/01 13:07