IN MOSCOW RUSSIAN DEPUTY FOREIGN MINISTER, HIS BRITISH ANALOGUE CONSIDER OUTLOOK FOR SETTLING CONFLICTS ON POST-SOVIET SPACE MOSCOW, March 6. /A RIA Novosti correspondent/. Prospects for settling conflict situations on post-Soviet space were discussed on Tuesday by deputy foreign ministers Grigori Berdennikov of Russia and John McGregor of the United Kingdom. The latter is in Moscow on a familiarisation visit. The Press and Information Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry reported on Tuesday that the diplomats exchanged opinion on the setup in Nagorny Karabakh (Azerbaijan), problems of Georgian-Abkhaz confrontation (Georgia) and Transdnestria (Moldova). At John McGregor's request, Grigori Berdennikov informed him on the specifics of the present stage of bilateral relations of Russia with Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, Russian views on the situation in Central Asia. The British deputy foreign minister laid down the United Kingdom's principled approaches to the development of cooperation with these countries.