OSCE CALLS TO ACT TOUGH ON ETHNIC ALBANIAN SEPARATISTS VIENNA, March 6. /From RIA Novosti's Borislav Pechnikov/. An extraordinary session of the OSCE Permanent Council calls for tough action against violent Albanian separatists as they threaten Kosovo's and neighbouring Macedonia's progress to peace. An armed conflict on the Macedonian-Yugoslav frontier is escalating, alarmed conferees pointed out before the session. Liviu Bota, Permanent Council president and Romanian ambassador, appealed to the conflicting parties to stop violence and meet at the negotiation table. The KFOR cannot cope single-handed with clashes between ethnic Albanian extremists and Macedonian soldiers. Extremists quickly filled in a power vacuum which became Kosovo's lot after an Yugoslav army pullout even despite international peacekeeping presence, pointed out Russia's President Vladimir Putin--an opinion approved by Austrian political activists and statesmen.