PALESTINIAN REPRESENTATIVE CONDEMNS THE EXPLOSION IN NATANYA DAMASCUS, MARCH 5, 2001 (FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT ALEXANDER KRASNOV) -- The adviser of head of the Palestinian administration Yasser Arafat, Basam Abu Sherif condemned the terrorist act in the city of Natanya. "We come out against and condemn any attacks of civilians both from the Palestinian side and from the Israeli army and Israeli settlers," he said. The Palestinian political figure also stressed that the Israeli government, which resorts to the military force against the entire Palestinian people, is responsible for such sanguinary actions. Basam Abu Sherif pointed to the need of resuming the Palestinian-Israeli peaceful talks with the aim of stopping the Israeli occupation and fulfilling the resolutions of the UN Security Council on the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the occupied territories. This will ensure peace, security and stability in the region, he concluded.