ELECTIONS IN KOSOVO MAY BE HELD AS EARLY AS THIS OCTOBER BELGRADE, 3 March 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Sergei Ryabikin/. General elections in Kosovo may take place as early as this October, Dan Everts, chief of the OSCE mission in Kosovo, told journalists Saturday. He pointed out that the exact date for the general elections would be set with due consideration of the time required for registration of all Kosovo Serbs and elaboration of an effective electoral pattern. The comprehensive registration of all the Serbs who had to flee from Kosovo in 1999 may substantially put back the election date. The overall security situation is another major factor to be taken into account when setting the date for the general elections. Therefore, it would be more correct to say that such elections "should be held in October", he admitted. Yesterday, Everts told journalists that the working group set up by OSCE to prepare the elections would comprise representatives of all local ethnic groups, including the Kosovo Serbs. Establishment of this group will help OSCE reach the consensus regarding creation of "the centralized institutions responsible for administration of the territory as well as equitable distribution of authority". In parallel, the OSCE will start making the preparations required for successful conduct of the general elections. Dan Everts also pointed out that the elections in Kosovo may be held this autumn only in case the OSCE leadership agrees to allocate the necessary funds and properly trained personnel.