UN SECURITY COUNCIL CHAIRMAN CONDEMNS EXTREMIST VIOLENCE IN MACEDONIA MOSCOW, March 3. /RIA Novosti correspondent/. The UN Security Council chairman has strongly condemned extremist violence in Macedonia's regions that border on Yugoslavia's Kosovo province. This violence is aimed at upsetting stability and security in that country, it was said at the Russian Foreign Ministry's press and information department on Saturday. This statement was made following March 2 consultations in the UN Security Council. The UN Security Council chairman urged the UN mission and KFOR to consider further measures to enhance control over the Kosovo section of the border between Yugoslavia and Macedonia. The Foreign Ministry notes in its release that Russia supports the Security Council members' intention to track the situation in that region so that the Council could timely and adequately react to destructive actions taken by armed groups of Albanian terrorists. The Russian Foreign Ministry says that "only by observing in full and undeviatingly resolution 1244 and all other decisions of the Security Council confirming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Balkan region countries will it be possible to prevent realisation of Albanian extremists' far-reaching plans and preserve peace and stability in the region".