RUSSIA WAITS FOR UKRAINE'S DEBT PAYMENTS MOSCOW, MARCH 2, 2001. /RIA NOVOSTI/. Russia is ready to support Ukraine in the issue on restructuring its debts to the Paris Club only if Kiev takes all necessary measures to solve the problem of the state's debt payments to Moscow, Russian Finance Minister and vice-Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin informed the press. According to him, the first issue to be solved is the ratification of so-called "zero variant" of the agreement on the former USSR debts and holdings by the Ukrainian parliament. Besides, Moscow wishes to see Kiev taking real measures to pay off debts for Russia's gas. The vice-Prime Minister reminded the press of the fact that the "zero variant" of the agreement on the former USSR debts and holdings was signed by the republics of the Soviet Union during its collapse. According to it, Russia is responsible for all the USSR debts and holdings, including its property abroad. A majority of the former USSR republics has already ratified the agreement. The last was Georgia, which ratified the "zero variant" in February, this year. At present Ukraine is the only state which has not ratified the document yet. Kudrin noted that supporting Ukraine in the issue on restructuring its debts to the Paris Club, Russia must defend its own interests.