VICE-PREMIER KLEBANOV: RUSSIAN MILITARY COOPERATION WITH SOUTH KOREA MOSCOW, MARCH 2, 2001. /RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT DMITRI ZNAMENSKI/. The memorandum, signed during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Seoul, outlines the prospects for cooperation and the sum rather than specifies the nomenclature of the arms to be shipped from Russia to South Korea. So, both countries' experts are to make it more specific. This was disclosed on Friday by Vice-Premier Ilya Klebanov. It is a question of cooperation in aviation and between land troops. Theoretically, both countries may cooperate in designing a training plane and delivering the latest helicopter-gunships Kamov Ka-50-2 made on the base of the Erdogan prototype. This is only one of cooperation projects, while specific details were not discussed in Seoul, Mr Klebanov said.