THE DANGER OF THE FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE THREATENS THE CHITA REGION KRASNOYARSK, March 2, 2001 /from RIA Novosti correspondent Boris Ivanov/ -- The danger for wild and domestic animals to be infected by the foot and mouth disease has appeared in six districts of the Chita Region bordering on Mongolia. The RIA Novosti correspondent was told about in the Siberian regional centre of the Emergencies Ministry situated in Krasnoyarsk. The source of the infection may become about 3,000 wild Central Asian gazelles which, after the heavy snowfalls at the end February migrated from Mongolia to the Borzensky, Kyrinsky and other districts of the region in search of food. As experts assert, many of these animals may be infected by the foot and mouth disease. According to the recommendations of the Emergencies Ministry, all the farms and the owners of personal cattle should vaccinate all the animals. It has been prohibited to bring meat from the districts of possible infection. Special posts have been established on all the roads to examine the transport vehicles. -O- (kos/var) 02/03/01 10:20