ALBANIAN TERROR EXCEEDS KOSOVO BOUNDS, RUSSIA ALARMED MOSCOW, March 1. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Yelena Glushakova/. Russia is pointing to the fact that Albanian terror is exceeding the Kosovo boundaries spreading to other districts of Serbia and to Macedonia, something which is developing according to a very alarming scenario. Moscow deems it necessary that "every means, primarily the UN Security Council's ones be used to prevent such a development of the situation which threatens to lead to the destabilization in the Balkan region", reads a communique released by the RF foreign ministry on Thursday. According to the ministry, the UN Security Council is keeping an eye on the situation at the Kosovo section of Macedonian-Yugoslavian border. In the next few days, the UN Secretariat is expected to report to the Security Council on the regional border developments. The UN Secretary General, the Russian ministry recalled, is known to have voiced concern over a recent outbreak of violence in Yugoslavia's areas bordering on Macedonia which has already caused a mass civilian migration from that region.