CHINA FOOTSTEP AGAINST AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM UP PEKING, 14 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Isajew /. " China will not permit it to anybody and under no circumstances to weaken its legitimate self-defense means or do without her. " The avowed Sha Zukang, director of the section arms check and disarmament of the State Department of the VRCh, and underlined that this is one of the most important principles of Chinese national security. The representative of the Chinese State Department spoke on a press conference, which was dedicated to the position of the VRCh regarding the American NMD program. In this connection the highranking Chinese diplomat underlined that Peking requires no confrontation between China and the USA to the NMD question and against the arms race between the two countries occurs. The diplomat explained the fact that the VRCh does not believe in the statements over the fact that the American NMD system will serve the interests of the peace and security and the view is that this system will endanger the security of China. After its words the implementation of the American NMD program will have a " set of large negative consequences for international security ". This program will, underlined the diplomat, a danger for global strategic security to create, which confidence and co-operation between prominent powers of the world undermine. The renouncement of Washington of the ABM contract and the development of the NMD system will destroy the existing balance between prominent powers of the world and noticed the security of other States of a serious risk suspend, Sha Zukang. " this will lead to the growth of suspicions and distrust between prominent powers and the system of the coordination and co-operation for problems of international security will destroy. Additionally the NMD development will restrain the process of the arms check, undermines, said a new spiral of the arms race, among them in the cosmos, stimuli and the regime of the nichtweiterverbreitung of nuclear weapons " it. " we are against NMD not, because we have the intention of threatening with our nuclear weapons of the security of the USA. We strive simply for the fact that the existing policy of the mutual deterrence between the two countries can receive-keep ", underlined Sha Zukang.