THE INTERMEDIATEPARLIAMENTARY MEETING STUDIES THE MILITARY SITUATION IN CENTRAL ASIA DUSCHANBE, 14 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). A group of delegates of the intermediateparliamentary meeting for questions of the defense and security studies the politico-military situation in the centralasiatic region in Duschanbe (capital Tadshikistans). This work is executed on resolution of the advice of the meeting mentioned, in order to compile common measures of the parliaments of the GUS participating states to the legal protection of the defense of the international terrorism and extremism, was reported from the pressedienst of the border's group of the Foederalen of border service of Russia. In the group members of parliament from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Russia and Tadshikistan are represented. On the program study of the situation at the tadshikisch Afghan boundary, meeting with the guidance of the border's group of the Foederalen of border service of Russia is in Tadshikistan and attendance of the border units.