MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF RUSSIA FOR THE CONFERENCE OF THE ADVICE OF THE EUROARCTIC REGION LEFT MOSCOW, 14 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The minister of foreign affairs of Russia Igor Iwanow left from Moscow for Murmansk, where the 8. Conference of the advice Barents (Euroarktischen)region on the level of the ministers of foreign affairs will take place. On this conference Russia its Praesidieren in the advice in the course of the yearly will complete, and the line of this organ will take over Sweden up to the spring 2002. In this conference the member countries of the advice - Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden, representative of the commission for European communities as well as of nine observer countries - will take part Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Great Britain and the USA -.