THE THOUGHTS, NATIONAL A MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM TO CONSTRUCT, BECOMES IN THE USA FEW POPULAR WASHINGTON, 14 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow). The thought, a national Missile Defense system (NMDS) to construct, is substantially fewer supported in the USA, if this structure is connected with the break Russian-American ABM contract (the present Treaty from the year 1972 dammed the arms race). This facts to Wednesday published specification of the questioning, which was executed in the USA on behalf of the TV society CBS and the newspaper " The New York Times ", occupies. The questioning showed the fact that today 67 per cent of the Americans it supports the structure of the NMD system and 26 per cent rejects this thought. If however against the NMDS trailers the question were set, in which the structure of the system was connected with the withdrawal of the USA from the Russian-American contract of 1972, then reduced itself the number of positive responses immediately to 33 per cent. 27 per cent of the original NMDS trailers answered here to the new asked question negative. The same picture was also visible, when the question contained the note to it over the national anti-missile defense that this system will never function according to many scientists. In this case still supported the structure of the new system only 35 per cent of the original trailers, while 27 per cent rejected the NMD system.