PRESIDENT OF IRAN: RUSSIA KNOWS MULTIPOLE ARENE IN A WORLD AN EFFECTIVE ROLE PLAYS MOSCOW, 14 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. In multipole arene a world knows Russia " appreciates and effective role " to play. Of it the " role of Russia in the world and its today's efforts witness around the selection of the national development model and working against a single-pole world order ". Such an opinion expressed the president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami in its speech before the delegates of the House of Commons of the Russian parliament. The Iranian president underlined that the approximation of Iran and Russia corresponds to the interests of the peoples of the two countries and represents no danger for the others. With the fact he emphasized that Iran and Russia make a large contribution for the guarantee of the security of the two regions as well as for the production of the peace and for the maintenance of the economic development in Iran. The president of Iran expressed itself for the co-operation of Iran with Russia. After words Khatamis contributed the " neighbourhood of Iran and Russia in the course of centuries to the production of deep relations between them ". It stressed that co-operation between the two countries had received a considerable impulse in the last years. Thus to words Khatamis is put at present a set of community projects into practice. Among other things completion of the building of the nuclear power station in Bushehr and building of the north south feed passage. Additionally the project for the building of new core and thermal power stations as well as oil projects and develops the relations in science and industry is checked. In its speech before the delegates of the Staatsduma the president of Iran expressed the opinion over the necessity, the level of regional co-operation in connection with questions of the Caucasus, central Asia, the Kaspisee, to increase an approaching and the middle east. Khatami lent printout to its hope that the common efforts of the two countries, among other things the parliaments, will enable it to develop co-operation in many areas.