PRESIDENT OF IRAN: RUSSIA ATTENDANCE ENRICHED PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES MOSCOW, 14 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami lent printout to its zuversicht that " good mutual relations, which had developed between our countries in the result of its Russia attendance enriched and received a new impulse ". The avowed it in the Kremlin during the meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of the RF Igor Iwanow. Mohammad Khatami particularly emphasized the negotiations with the president of Russia Vladimir Putin in this connection. After his words " the meeting of the presidents made hope and opened new favorable perspectives in our relations ". Seinerseites expressed Igor Iwanow satisfaction over the state-finding state visit of the Iranian president in Russia. The Minister indicated the fact that during the Terffens on Tuesday with the director/conductor of the State Department of Iran Kamal Kharrazi it current international hauptprobleme treated and had affirmed a further mark that the positions of Moscow and Therans correspond to code problems. Additionally Iwanow said that they had discussed the time schedule of the forthcoming contacts at the meeting also. The president of Iran thanked you the Russian guidance and the Russian people for a very cordial hospitality.