MOSCOW BECOMES THE WHITE HOUSE OVER RESULTS OF THE RUSSIA ATTENDANCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN INFORMING WASHINGTON, 14 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow /. the secretary of the security council of Russia Sergej Iwanow, which had come to an attendance into the USA, indicated that he has the intention of describing to his interlocutors in Washington the position of Russia regarding co-operation with Iran. That indicated Iwanow to the journalist right after the arrival in the American metropolis in answer of questions in connection with the assertions of official persons of the USA about the uneasiness of the white house regarding possible supplies of Russian conventional weapons at Iran. After words of the highranking Kremlin representative it is not correct to speak about the resumption of military-technical co-operation between Russia and Iran because such a co-operation never stopped. Which concerns the supplies, then is no new decision, but the decision from before-previous or previous year as minimum, said Iwanow. It reminded of the fact that it had treated this question in Washington still with the security advisor of the president Clinton Samuel Berger. With the fact Sergej Iwanow underlined that he is ready to treat this topic with the Sicherheitsberaterin of the US president Condoleezza Rice and the US Secretary of State Colin Powell. We will also discuss these questions, and I will inform about those declarations/agreements, which had been obtained in the course of the Moscow attendance of the Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami, said Sergej Iwanow. With the fact it specified that during the meeting Vladimir had not been at all spoken PUT in with Mohammad Khatami on highest level about military-technical co-operation.