IGOR IWANOW: MAN DEBIT NOT AT NATO EXTENSION, SEPARATING AT STRUCTURE OF A MODEL OF EUROPEAN SECURITY THINKING MOSCOW, 13 March. / /. today one is to think Kristina Rodriges, Jelena Gluschakowa, correspondents of the RIA " Nowosti " not of an NATO extension, but of the structure of a concrete model of European security. The avowed Igor Iwanow, minister of foreign affairs of Russia, on a press conference after the negotiations with Mogens Lykketoft, minister of foreign affairs of Denmark. " we are open for such a dialog ", said it. With the negotiations Igor Iwanow stressed again that Russia occurs against the extension to the East of NATO. After its words nobody can justify the necessity for the NATO extension in the world, since there is no cold war. The countries of Europe are separate by no ideological or politico-military block from each other, mean the Russian Minister. Igor Iwanow referred to the fact that itself Russia had not placed the function to convince the Danish page in this question of something. It stated only its attitude. Igor Iwanow discussed questions of the preservation of stategischen stability in the world with its Danish colleague.