RUSSIA BECOMES INTENSIVE AT THE IRANIAN RE-EQUIPMENT PROGRAM TAKING PART MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Russia will take part intensively in the conversion on 25 years of the laid out re-equipment program of the Iranian armed forces. The program was prepared by the Iranian guidance in the year 2000 in consideration of the unstable and explosive situation in this region. This are reported from the Ministry of Defense of Russia. In the first conversion phase to Iran conventional Russian defensive weapons and war technique are supplied in the context of the four bilateral agreements in the area of military-technical co-operation. The present agreements were closed in the period 1989-1991. Russia fulfilled it partly in connection with the Gore Tschernomyrdin memorandum, which put such supplies from 1995 to previous November on ice. After the withdrawal from the " suppressing " document Russia wants to again take up the weapon and war technique supplies strictly with the Russian legislation and the taken over international obligations to Iran. More are put to Iranian armed forces as 570 tanks T-72S, more than 1,000 armored infantry vehicles BMP-2, Fla systems, license-technical documentation and technological equipment for the weapon and war technique production in Iran at the disposal. The value of delivery amounts to about 1.5 billion USD. in accordance with the trading conditions may not Iran on the Russian licenses to third countries up to the year 2011 not pass, in the Ministry was determined. In the context of the agreements mentioned ammunition and spare parts for the airplanes MiG-29 and Su-24MK are to be supplied at Iran. Is intended to continue the technical support of Russia during the development and nachruestung of the coastal points of view for submarines of the project 877EKM. Center of this yearly can close Russia with Iran a fifth agreement over military-technical co-operation. The supplies of the Russian weapons and munitions, which are to begin 2002, can contain Fla systems S-300PMU and other Fla systems, radiolocation systems, modernized airplanes MiG-29 and Su-27, rocket of landing and strip speedboats. For the moment there are 24 MiG-29, 12 Su-24MK, three Diesel submarines of the project 877EKM, 422 tanks T-72S, 413 armored infantry vehicles BMP-2, Fla rocket systems S-200 and " Wega e " as well as other war technique in Iranian armed forces.