THE COURT OBLIGATED THE DAUGHTER OF THE NTV PLUSES TO DISBURSE 16 MILLIONS USD TO THE TREASURY MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Natalija Byrkina). The foederale arbitral tribunal of the district Moscow does not have the appointment of the society Bonum-1 against the resolution to drive from their 3.7 millions and 12.7 millions USD after two complaints in favor of the Treasury of Russia allowed. The society Bonum-1 took still with the Treasury four interest-favorable loans to 1997-1998, in order to buy and start a satellite for the intermediate transmission of the NTV plus programs. Start of 2000 stopped the society to clear away the credits. The Treasury decided for the gerichtsweg. Muscovite the arbitral tribunal faellte in previous October and November messages over the four complaints of the Treasury, after which from the debtor altogether about 30 millions are to be driven USD. Bonum-1 took legally the right up and inserted appointment complaints against these decisions. The instance left however all resolutions in strength. Now became from the higher instance - which foederalen arbitral tribunal of the district Moscow - affirms. The bailiffs deal with themselves for the moment with the enforcement, in order to drive the amount mentioned by the debtor, were reported from the Treasury of Russia. Closed the accounts of the society are already Bonum-1.