JEGOR STROJEW: THE SITUATION ON THE BALKANS IS EXTREME DANGEROUS MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Nikolai Wenediktow). " one may not let the flames on the Balkans come up ", avowed speakers of the federation advice (upper house of the parliament) Russia Jegor Strojew after the meeting with Spyros Kyprianou, chairman of the Lower House of Cyprus, in Moscow. The UN may not keep out now according to Strojew from the solution of the Balkans problem any longer. The Council of Europe is to refer a more active position in this question also. The speaker of the federation advice expressed the conviction that the events at the boundary to Macedonia " a result of the insanity is, which became effective in the Kosovo ". Already with the NATO air raids on Yugoslavia it was clear that " the thing will alone not limit itself to the Kosovo ". The attempt to solve the problem under weapon delivery " caused at that time a fire on the Balkans ", said Jegor Strojew.