THE FEDERATION COUNCIL BECOMES THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PREPARATION THE ELEVATION OF THE " KURSK " LISTENING TO MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Nikolai Wenediktow). Viktor Oserow, chairman of the safety and defence committee of the Staatsduma (House of Commons of the parliament) Russia, will submit information about the preparation on Wednesday in the federation council for the elevation of the nuclear-powered submarine " Kursk ". Oserow met on its recent journey to Brussels with the guidance of the European fund, the cash for the elevation of the " Kursk " collects. The work is carried out rather actively. The elevation periods are determined depending upon the input of the moneys. Viktor Oserow will inform the members of the federation advice also about the execution of the Russian-American intergovernmental agreement over the use of high-enriched uranium from the nuclear weapons. The agreement over the use of high-enriched uranium was signed on 18 February 1993 and designates to supply to the USA 500 tons nuclear fuel from the Russian nuclear weapons. The USA will process the high-enriched uranium into lowenriched uranium, which is used afterwards into the American KKW.