RUSSIAN SPACE STATION ME ON ONE DAY AROUND FURTHER ONE 2 KM SUNK, YOUR EARTH DISTANCE AMOUNTS TO 243.6 KM KOROLJOW / area Moscow /, 13 March. / Eduar Pusyrjow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the Russian space station sank in the passed 24 hours around further 2 km and their earth distance amounts to at present 243.6 km on the average. As the specialists of the Flugleitzentralele indicated, the space station was sagged in the last two days around approximately 2 km for each day. On Monday the flight guidance head office in the station switched the central computer on and input on Tuesday the control program. As was stressed in the flight guidance head office, the space station drifts still freely, which enables, to save the rocket fuel at their board. This fuel is to be used for the derivative of the station by the orbit, since it will achieve an average height over the earth of 220 km. That is to presumably occur on 18.-21 March d.J.. " the systems of the station, which are responsible for their sagging of the orbit, function normally and constantly are controlled ", emphasized the specialists of the flight guidance head office.