US STATE DEPARTMENT: ALBANIAN EXTREMISTS THREATENING THE INTERESTS OF THE KOSOVO ALBANIANS BELGRADE, 13 March. / Alexander Slabynko, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the activities of the Albanian extremists impair enormously the interests of the Kosovo Albanians. This assertion delivered James Perdue, representative of the US State Department for the Balkans. On a press conference in Skopje / Macedonia / James Perdue stressed that the extremism of the thing of the international support of the Kosovo and the Kosovo Albanians themselves adds large damage. According to its opinion a small group of extremists and criminal ones impairs tragically the future of the Albanians, those in the Kosowo, in Macedonia and in the south of Serbia life. He explained that the USA condemn the Albanian extremism in all its manifestations, and gave printout to hope that the world community, which becomes the USA and Macedonia this problem with the time to solve to be able, all the rather, as the Albanians in this country in their majority with the power organs co-operate. James Perdue wants to request the Albanian top representatives in Macedonia to co-operate with the authorities of this country more intensively in order to prevent the activities of the Albanian extremists.