RUSSIA AND IRAN CONDEMNED THE EXTREMISM OF THE GUIDANCE OF THE TALIBAN MOVEMENT MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. Russia and Iran have the extremism of the guidance of the Taliban movement, which the plans up for military solution of the Afghanistan problem does not give, and whose condemns Unwillen, the support for the international terrorism and the illegal drug trade to adjust. As one indicated in the State Department of Russia, such an adjustment to the Afghanistan problem on Tuesday had been expressed during the negotiations of the ministers of foreign affairs of Russia and Iran, Igor Iwanow and Kamal Kharrazi. Additionally the pages condemned the ethnical mass cleanings and the rough violation of the standards of humanitarian international law by the Taliban. Igor Iwanow and Kamal Kharrazi underlined also the importance of the strict adherence to the resolution of the UN security council No. 1333 for the creation of prerequisites for peaceful settlement of the Afghanistan crisis.