RUSSIA AND IRAN JUDGEMENT STRENGTHENING THE GLOBAL ONES AND REGIONAL STABILITY AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY FOR PRIORITY FUNCTION MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. Russia and Iran judge strengthening global and regional strategic stability and international security, the protection of the principles of the equal rights, the mutual attention and mutually favourable co-operation in the world for the priority function of the present. As informed sources in the State Department of the RF indicated, the topic of strategic stability had today in the focus of the negotiations of the ministers of foreign affairs of Russia and Iran, Igor Iwanow and Kamal Kharrazi, confessed. According to their opinion the strict adherence to of the obligations from the existing contracts and agreements is in the safety area by all states and on this basis further measures for the delimitation of weapons and for disarmament important conditions for the reaching of the above-mentioned targets. In this connection the director/conductor of the offices with regard to foreign policy of the two countries a special topicality of preservation and adherence to the ABM contract stressed from the year 1972, the cornerstone of strategic stability and in the course of decades proven foundation for reduction of strategic offensive weapons are. The pages expressed serious concern around the danger floating over the contract to its destruction in connection with the intention of the USA of unfolding a strategic national anti-missile defense system. Like the ministers of foreign affairs of Russia and Iran mean, can the destruction of the ABM contract to verderblichsten consequences - to undermining the security of the whole world community, for the blocking of the process of the nuclear weapon disarmament and for the creation of prerequisites for the arms race - lead. As one underlined in the State Department of the RF, the presidents of Russia have and Iran during the negotiations the importance of the resolution of the UN plenary assembly over preservation and adherence to the ABM contract emphasized, which had been assumed by the overwhelming majority of votes, to what from global international support of this document witnesses.