IN BASCHKIRIEN A CONGRESS BECOMES THE IN OF THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY OF RUSSIA PERSON EMPLOYED TAKING PLACE UFA, 13 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " - " Baschinform " /. in Ufa, the capital Baschkiriens / republic in the Urals before country of Russia / was set for 22.-25 May of this yearly the third congress in the oil and gas industry of Russia person employed. In the context of the congress is the 9. International exhibition " gas, oil ' 2001 " to be executed. For the preparation for the congress and the exhibition the organizing committee, led by the prime minister Baschkiriens Rafael Bajdawletow, was created. The work programme of the congress was acknowledged, according to which the users will treat problems and perspectives of the oil and gas complex of Russia. In the context of the congress an international scientific-practical conference is to be held, on that the specialists the status of the oil and gas processing as well as the petrochemistry and automation, problems of the metrology and the connection in the oil and gas complex, which introduction of new technologies and execution of the geophysical investigation of oil and gas probes will have to discuss. The specialists will exchange opinions over the national policy within the area of the taxation, price formation and the property in the oil and gas complex.