PRESIDENT OF IRAN EXPLAINED ITS CONCERN AROUND SITUATION ON PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Anna Bobina /. the president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami explained his concern around the situation on the Palestinian territories. In its lecture at the Muscovites national university for international relations it stressed that today about 1 million Palestinian from their houses are driven out, and many western countries in the silence continue to themselves wrap. Khatami means that the protection of the liberty, which independence and the development of the personality the major task of the state is. Dealing with the relation between the terms liberty and justice, underlined Sayed Mohammad Khatami that this problem is not an exclusive factor of the history of Russia, Iran, Asia, America and Europe. In the opposite, he said, challenges this problem today " our way of thinking " and is one of the central problems. Khatami is one of the initiators of the emergence of the conception to a " dialog between cultures and civilizations ". In his speech at the Muscovites national university for international relations the Iranian president underlined the importance of such a dialog and its key role in the development of the modern civilization.