FOREIGN TRADE CONVERSION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND HUNGARY IN GROWTH TERMS BUDAPEST, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Juri Baranow /. in passed year succeeded it to modify the situation in the Russian-Hungarian commercialeconomic relations thorough. The avowed Vitali Jefimow, commercial agent of Russia in Hungary. The foreign trade conversion between the two countries became larger substantially. Contacts on the government level became more active. It found the 6. Conference of the Russian-Hungarian government commission3 for commercialeconomic co-operation instead of. According to opinion of the Russian commercial agent a good base for the development of the further bilateral trade relations was created. Jefimow referred also to a set of unresolved questions, which stand to the development of the trade between the two countries in the way. Thus so far a set of important agreements was not signed. Under the prerequisite of the removal of the obstacles on the way of the mutual trade the Hungarian export can become larger to Russia in the course of a yearly on 1 billion dollar.