MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF RUSSIA AND IRAN TREATED YOUR STEPS IN THE INTEREST OF THE STABILIZATION OF THE SITUATION AROUND AFGHANISTAN MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jelena Gluschakowa /. the director/conductor of the State Departments of Russia and Iran, Igor Iwanow and Kamal Kharrazi, treated steps, Moscow and Teheran in the interest of the stabilization of the situation around Afghanistan to undertake to be able. That indicated on Tuesday the Russian minister of foreign affairs after the negotiations with its Iranian colleague. Iwanow emphasized that the positions of Russia and Iran are close to this question. After his words the two Ministers executed the consultations in the context of the attendance over international problems and treated among other things steps for the further development of co-operation between Moscow and Teheran in the international arena as well as a cooperating between Russia and Iran in the Kaspiseeraum, in central Asia, in the Caucasus and in the gulf space. Iwanow stressed that the pages had agreed to coordinate their efforts so that the situation in these regions corresponds to stability and security.