THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR OF RUSSIA MEETS COMMON WITH THE FOREIGN COLLEAGUES MEASURES, IN ORDER TO ARREST CHECHNIAN BANDITS WORONESH, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The ministry of the Interior of Russia executes together with the foreign colleagues complete measures, in order to determine the place of residence of the Chechnian field commanders and members of the unlegitimen armed formations and arrest it. This avowed on Tuesday before the journalists in Woronesh Ministers of the Interior Wladimir Ruschailo. In the context of these measures in particular one of the brothers Achmadow and a fighter from the environment were arrested by Bassajew in Baku. The Minister noted that the Russian ministry of the Interior agreement closed over co-operation with Georgien, Armenia, white Russia and Tadshikistan.