MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF IRAN SUBMITTED SOME SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THE STATUS THE KASPISEE MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jelena Gluschakowa /. the director/conductor of the State Department of Iran Kamal Kharrazi submitted some suggestions, which concern the status of the Kaspisee during the negotiations with its Russian colleague Igor Iwanow. That indicated the minister of foreign affairs of Russia on Tuesday the journalist after the negotiations. Igor Iwanow called these suggestions very interesting. We will continue the consultations, in order to obtain declarations/agreements, which will open the way to a summit of the Kaspistaaten, said Igor Iwanow. This summit is planned for at the beginning of of April. After words of the Russian Minister all Kaspistaaten needs the legal basis for co-operation in the Kaspi sea. Dealing with the Russia attendance of the president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami taking place at present, Iwanow said that the Russian page evaluated this attendance in the whole as such, which corresponds to the interests of Moscow and Teherans as well as international and regional stability. After its words this attendance is very important also from the point of view of co-operation between the two states in the international arena. Kamal Kharrazi underlined for his part a further mark the fact that co-operation between Iran and Russia is directed toward economic stability of the region and that to our countries must correspond to imposed functions. After its words " this co-operation is directed not against any countries, but toward peace, friendship, development of the trade relations in the region and the protection of a free passage of energy resources ".