CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CYPRUS: RUSSIAN RUSSISCH-ZYPRIOTI RELATIONS DEVELOPING ITSELF VERY MUCH SUCCESSFUL MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Nikolai Wenediktow /. the chairman of the house of representatives of Cyprus Spyros Kyprianou very successfully characterized itself the Russian zypriotischen relations as " developing ". The avowed it the journalists after the meeting with the chairman of the federation advice Jegor Strojew. " practically, underlined he concerns all areas ". Kyprianou emphasized that its country attaches during the Cyprus regulation a great importance to the role of Russia. During the discussion in the federation council, he said, " we again cordial feelings, the feelings of the friendship and the solidarity by Russian citizens had felt ". For his part Jegor Strojew explained the decided and fixed support for Cyprus in its striving for the union.