IGOR IWANOW: RUSSIA AND IRAN WOOLS AND ALL DOING, SO THAT THE BILATERAL RELATIONS IS ADEQUATE MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jelena Gluschakowa /. Russia and Iran want and everything will do, so that our bilateral relations is adequate. The avowed minister of foreign affairs of Russia Igor Iwanow on Tuesday with the initialization of the negotiations with its Iranian colleague Kamal Kharrazi. The director/conductor of the Russian State Department underlined that the relations in all areas will develop, which correspond to the interests of our countries. After words of the Minister these relations is destined to stabilize the situation in regions where Russia and Iran play a special role. Iwanow drew the attention of particularly to the assertion of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin over the fact that the Russian-Iranian relations is not directed against any other countries. Moscow wants that our relations serves stability in the region and in the whole world as factor, said the Russian Minister. As example of good co-operation between Russia and Iran Iwanow stated the experiences of Russian-Iranian co-operation with the innertadshikischen regulation. The minister of foreign affairs of Iran evaluated the taking place Moscow attendance of the president of its country as " well, in a friendly manner and importantly ". He thanked you the Russian page for the cordial receipt and hospitality. At the same time, he stressed, " is it to be felt that some began to abuse this attendance ". Kharrazi underlined that the radio notified BBC on Tuesday that " Moscow and Teheran had signed some agreements in the area of military-technical and nuclear co-operation ". And this, he, regardless of its stressed that " all documents saw, which had been signed ". Igor Iwanow indicated that he had become attentive to these comments also. The Russian Minister means that Moscow and Teheran signed an important political document, which embodied the principles on their basis Russia and Iran their mutual relations in 21. Century in the context of the UN Charter and international law to arrange are intended. According to opinion Iwanows reflects this document the character of those documents, which were assumed on the Millenniumgipfel in New York.