LAW OVER STIMULATION OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA IN JAROSLAWL DEBATES MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The authorities Jaroslawls (region of central Russia) have the intention of passing a law over stimulation of the economic development of the area. That representatives indicated to the working group for completion of this bill. The bill " over stimulation of the economic development of the area Jaroslawl " designates a set of stimulating measures for operations, which fulfill among other things the plan for profits tax. In the design it is ausbedungen that 80 per cent the state operations will back-receive being entitled profits tax in the form of subsidies for the development. After provisional calculations the scope of subsidies will constitute 2001 about 40 millions roubles in the year. The bill was assumed in this January at the session of the Gebietsduma in first reading. But the constant commission for economic policy and economic activity of the Duma refused approving of this bill. Nontheless the members expressed on their session the zuversicht to the working group that the bill over stimulation of the economic development in last consequence is assumed of the Gebietsduma and signed the governor.