NATURAL GAS PIPELINE IN THE AREA SMOLENSK BURST MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). In the area Smolensk (central Russia), in the proximity of the village Dudkino occurred at the night to Tuesday a break at the natural gas pipeline Torshok Minsk Iwanzewitschi, was reported from the disaster control Ministry. After the rohrbruch natural gas caught fires. The suffered average paragraph became however already after 10 minutes closed. After a few hours the flames went out. There are no concerning. Failed one of the four strands with a diameter of 1,200 mm and a printing of 55 atue. Natural gas is supplied with to the customers by other strands. At the accident place the repair brigades are in the use. The average probably occurred by setting the soil due to the snow thawing.