THE KASPI ADJOINING OWNERS " SECTIONS " THE KASPI SEA MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Viktor Kaljushny, representative of the president of Russia for the Kaspi sea and vice-minister of foreign affairs, left into the kasachische capital Astana, in which on Tuesday the second round of the bilateral negotiations is held over the right status of the Kaspi sea. In the focus of the meeting is the definition of the principle of the methodology, according to which the so-called modified center line is determined, which will define the kaspischen sea-bottom between Russia and Kazakhstan. The declaration/agreement to execute this meeting was fixed in the agreement, which the presidents of the two countries Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nasarbajew signed 1998. The drawing of this line is " already the second phase when defining of the new status of the Kaspi sea ", said Kaljushny before its departure for Astana. The positions of Moscow and Astanas for the determination of the new status of the Kaspi sea correspond practically in all aspects. Russia and Kazakhstan suggest dividing the sea-bottom between all Kaspi adjoining owners after the modified center line as waters is to the common use as such at the disposal. This position followed after the recent Baku attendance of Vladimir Putin also Aserbaidshan, to divide which required beforehand, the sea-bottom and waters starting from the modified center line on into national sectors. Iran requires on the other hand, the Kaspi sea in the general use too leave complete or waters into national sectors " according to the principle of the Kondominiums " to divide i.e. 20 per cent for each coastal state. Into the last time this position supported actively also Aschchabad. At the last meeting of the working groups for the Kaspi sea in January, which was executed on the level of the vice-Ministers in Teheran, however Turkmenistan gave itself to understand that it is ready in principle, the position of Moscow to attach branch to and Bakus. Besides the pages on the negotiations in Astana will treat the affiliation of some controversy places on the northern continental shelf of the Kaspi sea. They will discuss in particular the principle, according to which the status of the three islands is determined, on the requirement both Russia and Kazakhstan to raise. The involved ones will discuss also the preparation to the summit the Kaspi adjoining owner, who is set for April.