RUSSIA BECOMES IN THE CURRENT YEAR WITHOUT EXTERNAL LOANS GETTING ALONG MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Andrej Malossolow /. Russia will get along in will be able to fulfill its obligations the current year without external loans and all. The avowed vice-Prime Minister of the RF Valentina Matwijenko in their speech on the scientific-practical conference " implementation of the social politics under conditions of the national modernization ". How Matwijenko said, the state will be able to make payments with foreign debts. And the internal obligations are fulfilled by additional incomes. To legalisieren among other things by the economic growth and a new tax policy, which will enable it, incomes, which were " shadow incomes " before. The vice-Prime Minister does not judge the reduction of the world prices for oil for catastrophically. " even if the world price for 1 barrel oil will decrease/go back on 22 to 20 dollar, too no disaster for the Russian household will become ", underlined Matwijenko.