EXHIBITION IN THE HISTORICAL LIBRARY OF MOSCOW: HISTORY OF THE OUTPUT OF THE BIBLE IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jelena Titarenko). In the national historical library in Moscow a exposure is over the history of the output of the Bible in Russia from 16. to 20. To see century. The exhibition " Russian Bible: From the Ostroger Bible to the end 20. Century " reflects over the highlight in the history of the introduction of the large book in the country. The most important outputs of the Bible, which were brought out within 520 years, are issued. They can report on the every now and then dramatic events. The first unification of the holy Bible texts was ready to be printed created and brought out in Russia in the altslawischen language 1581. This event, that in connection with the Erstdrucker Iwan Fjodorow (it invented the first printing bank in 16. Century) is, took place in the city Ostrog, in which prince governed Konstantin at that time. Also the name " Ostroger Bible " is to be owed to its promotion, which is a core exhibit. In the same city the famous gospels were printed, whose samples are also exposed. The Ostroger Bible was considered on a long-term basis as canonical output: The Russian Orthodoxe church regarded it as the only translation of the holy texts. The new edition 17. Century one due to the necessity to make certain alterations and to eliminate above all the distortions, which had accumulated themselves with the rewriting of the book. Nontheless the corrections were very carefully made. Globally they only 1751 were executed, when the Bible was published of Elizabeth. Still under the Russian emperor Peter I. (it governed in Russia end 17th - at the beginning 18. Century) the translation of the Bible was prepared into the Russian, since the altslawische text was already with difficulty understandable. The Russian Bible company accelerated the output of the Bible in Russian language.