VLADIMIR PUTIN CAME TO CHAKASSIEN, WHERE IT BECOMES ITS SHORT VACATION SPENDING KRASNOJARSK, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Boris Iwanow /. the airplane of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin landed on Tuesday early in the morning in the airport Abakans, capital Chakassiens (a foederale republic in east Siberia). The previous evening Alexej Gromow, press speaker of the head of state, indicated that the president will be starting from Tuesday in short vacation, which he will spend in Chakassien. In the airport became the head of state of Sergej Schoigu, Minister for state of emergency situations of the RF, which head of the government Chakassiens Alexej Lebed and the chairman of the highest advice of the Republic of Vladimir Stygaschow welcomes. To the 30-Minuten-Aufenthalt in the airport Abakans flew off the president and him accompanying persons with three helicopters in southwest direction to the Altai Vorgebirge, where the Alpinskistation " Gladenkaja " is. There Vladimir Putin will spend two days and then still two days in one of the forest huts in the taiga.