IN THE PRIMORJE REGION A NUCLEAR POWER STATION IS BUILT WLADIWOSTOK, 13 March. / work on the technical-economic task of the building of a nuclear power station with an output was will-up-taken to RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Anatoli Iljuchow /. in the Primorje region (furthermore the east) of 1280 MW in the region. For this stage the Ministry for atomic energy economics of Russia designates three years. That indicated Gennadi Lipatnikow, construction supervisor of the nuclear power station Primorskaja, on Tuesday on the press conference in Wladiwostok. After its words for the building of the nuclear power station, which will enable it to solve the energy problem in the south of the far east for many decades up to 2,5 billion dollar will be necessary. The Canadian company ICA agrees to coordinate the project financially. It already executed the preliminaries with possible foreign investors. Gennadi Lipatnikow emphasized that the government of Russia for national security in the easternmost foederalen district of the country must develop the energetik many more actively above all, because the energetik neighbouring China today develops very dynamically, which can become with the time the exporter of cheap electricity in regions and after areas the far east.