DANISH MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS LYKKETOFT TO ABM SUGGESTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT PUTIN MOSCOW, 12 March (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jelena Gluschakowa). Suggestions of Russian president Vladimir Putin on the creation of a non-strategic system of the anti-missile defense are to be set on the agenda by negotiations between representatives of European countries. This view represented the Danish minister of foreign affairs Mogens Lykketoft, which came on Monday to a two-day work attendance to Moscow, in a RIA " Nowosti" discussion. When " extremely importantly " Lykketoft defined the circumstance that " the Russian president realized the necessity over the danger, which weapon systems of some countries hold as also, this situation to improve ". On the position of Copenhagen to plans of the USA addressed to take up an American radar facility on Greenland to the system of the national anti-missile defense (NMD) the Danish Minister said that Copenhagen would not like to begin to cut this topic meanwhile. " so long the situation as a whole is not clear, has it no sense, of the radar facility on Greenland to speak ", meant it.