RUSSIAN ONE OF MILITARY WARNING THE USA OF OFFENCE AGAINST ABM CONTRACT MOSCOW, 12 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The Russian military guidance again urgently warned the USA on Monday of a break of the ABM contract anti-missile defense systems limited of 1972 over. Moscow will evaluate the first cubic meters concrete for the building of the launch pads for the American rocket raketenschutzschirm NMD as door of Washington from the ABM contract, said colonel general Leonid Iwaschow, director/conductor of the department for international cooperation in the Russian Ministry of Defense, on Monday in Moscow. Afterwards Moscow with the European states will take up consultations. " diametric counterpart " for the planned schutzschirm of the USA Iwaschow called against it, the non-strategic anti-missile defense system for Europe, suggested of Russia. Russian president Vladimir Putin had specified a raid in February during the attendance of NATO Secretary-General George Robertson in Moscow from the previous year. The mobile system is to be structured in case of emergency, in order to repel threats from different directions. During the Russian suggestion the creation of a " mobile, international defense " designates, said Iwaschow, wanted the USA with its rocket raketenschutzschirm " their national territory " to only protect. " and the suggestion of Moscow leads which agreements to no offence approximately possibly. " The ministers of foreign affairs of Russia and the USA, Igor Iwanow and Colin Powell, have an agreement after Iwaschows words to take up in next time consultations to problems of the anti-missile defense and the strategic offensive weapons. Moscow will be endeavored after forces to convince the USA of the necessity to look for other ways to the guarantee of its security said the general.