CONTRACT OVER THE BASES OF THE RELATIONS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND IRAN SIGNS MOSCOW, 12 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Oleg Ossipow). The presidents of Russia and Iran, Vladimir Putin and Mohammad Khatami, signed the contract over the bases of the relations and principles of co-operation between the two countries after the results on 12 March of the negotiations taken place in Moscow. The principles of co-operation between the two countries are stated on eight pages and concern a cooperating within the area trade, economics and culture as well as the common activity on the Kaspi sea, announce the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent. In the contract also the political aspect of the bilateral relations was treated. To apply determined in the document in particular that " each page commits itself, in their relations neither force nor threat of force and their area for an aggression to let subversive or separatist actions not use against the other page ". Besides Russia and Iran agreed on it that " if a page is exposed to an aggression through any state, then may the other page the aggressor a military or other assistance, which would promote the continuation of the aggression, not furnish and are to the fact contribute that the developed differences are abgeregelt due to the UN Charter and the international law standards ". The pages agreed to regulate the points of issue, which could develop between them, exclusively on the way of negotiations. Russia and Iran are convinced that " the international problems are to be solved in the world from today only in conformity with principles sovereigns of the equality, political independence, territorial integrity, peaceful regulation of the points of issue, non-application from force, fixed in the UN Charter, and noninterference into the internal affairs of the states ". Vladimir Putin and Mohammad Khatami agreed on the fact that Russia and Iran will cause favorable legal, economic, financial and commercial conditions for bi and multilateral activity and common investments in the area of the two countries as well as in third countries. Moscow and Teheran will promote the development of the long-term and on both sides favourable relations, in order to implement community projects in the area of the traffic, the energetik, including peaceful use of the atomic energy and building of the nuclear power stations, as well as in the area of the industry, science and technique, agriculture and the health service. In the contract it is also noted that the pages will exchange regularly consultation to execute and information and experiences in the economic and scientific-technologic area.