INDULGENCE WITH SEPARATISM IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, EXPLAINED THE ASSISTANT OF THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA LONDON, 12 March. / Sergej Kudassow, Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. indulgence with separatism is extremely dangerous, because the Chechnian example in many countries in the world successor could find. The avowed Sergej Jastrshembski, assistant of the president of Russia, on which conference of the trilateral commission, a not national organization, in which many well-known politicians and businessmen are united. This conference came on Monday into London to the termination. The words of Sergej Jastrshembski after one would have to understand that the happening is in Chechnya only a part of the global process of the activation of the extremistic forces in approaching and the middle east. The regime, which governed in Chechnya, violated only does not groeblichst the constitutional law of Russia and endangered its indivisibility and territorial integrity, but was criminal also from the point of view of international law. Chechnya was, as it said, to a type training ground for international terrorists and Islamic extremists become. Here technologies did not only become for analyzing Russia, but also for the implementation of the plans of humans of the impact are completed loading in the international arena. The assistant of the president of Russia explained: Particularly heavily it falls to state that the world community of the dangers, which the international terrorism and the religious extremism bring for it with itself is conscious not in full measure. He is convinced that consistent and decided actions of the entire world community should be against-placed to the spreading of the terrorism, extremism and separatism, one should however not according to the principle " my house is apart " to concern. " having hattab, Bassajew and others are not only bandits, but also their order since the whole world to expand ", he emphasized terrorists of the world-wide yardstick, who dreamed about it. Sergej Jastrshembski referred to the fact that the Chechnya problem can be solved only with political and economical means. Even ones on it are arranged the neulichen resolutions of the president of Russia to reduce the grouping of the foederalen forces in Chechnya to educate a Chechnian government and to increase the financing of the work for the reconstruction of the republic.